What is the right age to start baby sign language? I get this question all the time. Here is the long answer below on how age and baby sign language. How old should your baby be when you start teaching baby sign language? The short answer? When YOU are ready. I use the 6 month […]
Online Baby Sign Language Classes
Are you looking for an online baby sign language class? Words by the Handful has a class for you! Join us for a fun baby sign language class online, designed to fit the needs of busy parents, and for people in areas where there are no baby sign language classes. Mimi Vance of Words by […]
Baby Sign Language Books Reviews!
Another mom shares some love for the Words by the Handful books with a review on Amazon! “I absolutely LOVE these books and so does my one year old! She is already signing and loves that these stories have words that she knows. The books are very beautifully done – I’m super impressed!” Thank you, MJ, wherever you […]
Baby Sign Language Books – Holiday Offer
One of the most precious gifts we give our children is the gift of language. For babies, it takes nearly two years to be able to communicate verbally. With baby sign language, however, babies can begin communicating effectively long before words can be formed. The gift of baby sign language is a great way to […]

Baby Signs Explained – Video
Visuals! When you want to help people understand something, good visuals can go a long way. Filming babies to help explain baby sign language is extremely challenging (we keep trying), but …. if you have a niece who is an actor, and she owes you a favor, well….. Not long ago, I stumbled upon this […]

Grandparents love baby sign language.
I probably spend as much time teaching people ABOUT baby sign language as I do teaching baby sign language. Some of the biggest skeptics about signing with babies are grandparents. Signing? I didn’t do that with my baby and they turned out just fine! Is the baby deaf? Why do you need signing? But when […]

“Frozen’s” Kristen Bell uses baby sign language!
How exciting to see Kristen Bell (yes, Kristen Bell from “Frozen”!) is signing with her daughter! Check out her comments on her daughter’s baby sign language in Us Magazine. Of course it was picked up by other outlets – and there’s a particularly nice photo of her in this piece in the Central Queensland News. […]

Why do I write? Blog hop!
My wonderful friend, Elizabeth Irvine, author of Healthy Mother, Healthy Child, jewelry designer, and maven of peaceful living, invited me to be part of a blog hop. She was invited by her friend, Chicken Soup for the Soul author Maria Rodgers O’Rourke. I’m in high cotton! The hop asks me to answer a few questions […]

Baby Sign Language Helps You Hear
While we wait for our babies to learn how to talk, there is quite a lot of communication going on. Even if you don’t use baby sign language and your baby doesn’t use signs to communicate with you, you already know many things about your child, and you understand (at least some of those) nonverbal […]

Reaching, teaching, helping one person. Even if it’s just one….
I just read an touching letter from an author about how something she had written never got published. It did, however, get shared with one girl. And it made a big difference in the life of that one girl. And 10 years later she told the author. While I finish wiping away my tears, […]