Are you looking for an online baby sign language class? Words by the Handful has a class for you! Join us for a fun baby sign language class online, designed to fit the needs of busy parents, and for people in areas where there are no baby sign language classes.

Mimi Vance teaches baby sign language class.
Mimi Vance of Words by the Handful has been teaching this mom and baby class (or dad/grandparent/nanny and baby) class for nearly 10 years. Mimi’s in-person classes in Houston, Texas, have helped hundreds of families learn baby sign language and use it in their lives.
Why take an online baby sign language class? Scheduling in-person classes can be challenging. Even if there is a class in your area, the day and time may not fit with your work schedule or your baby’s nap schedule.
We offer baby sign language classes online in an effort to bring baby sign language to moms and dads who can’t get to a class, or don’t have a class in their area.
About the Words by the Handful Online Baby Sign Language Classes:
These online baby sign language classes meet for a 30 minute class once a week for an 8 week session. Classes are a combination of practice and theory (especially practice!), learning lots of signs and songs to help parents and babies learn, repeat, and remember the signs.
Each week, classes focus on five key signs. We learn many more, but by focusing on a “handful” we can aim for the best uptake and retention of the materials. The classes are progressive, with each class building on the previous one. New information is added each week, with recaps and expanding on the earlier information built in. By the end of the 8 week course, we’ve covered more than 150 signs, with special emphasis on 40 of the most important ones.
Each class participants receives an e-booklet (offline) to complement the classes. Classes are streamed live in a secret Facebook group. Mimi is available for interaction during the classes, as well as between (and beyond) classes, via the secret FB group or private message.
For more information and registration information, click on this link.
Need More Information?
If you have questions about this powerful early language tool, take a look here.
Not sure what age to start baby sign language? This link will answer your questions!
Want to join the conversation? Join the Words by the Handful Facebook page!
Ready to start baby sign language right now? Here’s your a video of your first sign: milk!
Come take an online baby sign language class with Mimi Vance and Words by the Handful.